With water levels being quite high after all the rainfall this summer, we weren’t sure we could do our usual up-and-back trip on this segment of the Rock River. We hadn’t paddled here for several years, but we consulted past notes and decided to take a chance. We put in at Wayside Park off Highway 16 at 2:30 on a sunny afternoon with temp in the low 80’s. It is a great oxbow park with restrooms and plenty of parking and a nice concrete ramp at the put-in. The last time we tried to launch here a couple of years ago, the water was too low and there were too many large exposed rocks which blocked our access to the water.
Continue reading Rock River – Ixonia
Recon: Murwin Park no – but Janesville landing yes
Post-paddle reconnaissance: we scouted a potential trip from Murwin County Park on the Yahara (at Caledonia Rd and Co Rd H) to a public landing on the Rock River at River Rd just north of Highway 14 in Janesville. Continue reading Recon: Murwin Park no – but Janesville landing yes
Wingra Creek on the Fourth of July
Wingra Creek is a pleasant urban paddle in Madison. We usually try it once a year. If the water is too high, it can be difficult to get through the first railroad bridge; the water is too strong and fast and there is always deadfall to contend with. Sometimes the water is too low and the boat hits the creek bottom which causes an abandoned trip. The waterway can also suffer from invasive plants and algae making the experience extremely unpleasant. This year we were hoping that it would be “just right.” To be sure of our hunch, we Continue reading Wingra Creek on the Fourth of July
Dear Bark River, we are worried about you…
We decided to paddle the Bark (Burnt Village Park – Upstream and Back) after several days of rain and to not wait until any later in the season because of a disappointing experience last summer when we found the river, which we always said “never disappoints,” too slimed over to even attempt. It was a nice day Continue reading Dear Bark River, we are worried about you…
Rock River Recon – Janesville
Starkweather farther than ever
This paddle started out as usual on Starkweather Creek. We took some friends there who had not had the pleasure yet. The day was great for it, perfect water level and no scum issue. Continue reading Starkweather farther than ever
Lower Nemahbin 2016
Lower Nemahbin Lake is enjoyable because the water is clear; big boats are usually not a problem on weekdays in the parts we like to paddle; and in the channel among the reeds north of the public landing, the Bark River provides a gentle current. Continue reading Lower Nemahbin 2016
Turtle Creek on Labor Day
It is rare to see such clear water in the rivers and streams we paddle on. Turtle Creek and The Nemahabin are a delight for that reason. A healthy stream with fish and fresh Continue reading Turtle Creek on Labor Day
Aztalan was not the plan
Instead of working on our weekend “to do” list, we decided to find a river. It was late in the day so headed for one of the closest favorite spots, the Bark River at Burnt Village in Fort Atkinson. To our dismay, it was totally green with algae and was no place for any kind of enjoyment. We headed for the Crawfish.
Something new since our last visit long ago Continue reading Aztalan was not the plan
Crawfish River from Aztalan after Bark River Abort
After finding the Bark River covered with duckweed, we decided we would try putting in on the Rock River in Jefferson and paddle the short distance upstream into the Crawfish River. However, there was a sign at the old landing on the Rock River in Jefferson that read “For Emergency Personnel Only.” Apparently the public now has to use a different landing 1/2 mile further downstream where big boats more likely to be present, and also we felt it would be too far to paddle upstream to get to the Crawfish. Therefore, we got back in the car and proceeded to Aztalan State Park. Temperature 80° light wind.
Flow Crawfish River at Milford gauge 05426000: 189 cfs. (median ~110 cfs) We later found we had made notes in the margin of Paddling Southern Wisconsin that we “should not do the Crawfish if the flow at Milford is <310 cfs," notes we had made after an Aztalan to Jefferson paddle several years ago. However, we didn't have the book with us, or we might have just called it a day. The trip: In at 4:45 PM, upstream one hour to I 94, out 6:30 PM. Shallow, near-grounding once, glanced off rocks near landing. Wildlife: kingfishers, herons, turtles, plover, swallows, cranes in flight, jumping fish.