Crawfish River from Aztalan after Bark River Abort

After finding the Bark River covered with duckweed, we decided we would try putting in on the Rock River in Jefferson and paddle the short distance upstream into the Crawfish River. However, there was a sign at the old landing on the Rock River in Jefferson that read “For Emergency Personnel Only.” Apparently the public now has to use a different landing 1/2 mile further downstream where big boats more likely to be present, and also we felt it would be too far to paddle upstream to get to the Crawfish. Therefore, we got back in the car and proceeded to Aztalan State Park. Temperature 80° light wind.

Flow Crawfish River at Milford gauge 05426000: 189 cfs. (median ~110 cfs) We later found we had made notes in the margin of Paddling Southern Wisconsin that we “should not do the Crawfish if the flow at Milford is <310 cfs," notes we had made after an Aztalan to Jefferson paddle several years ago. However, we didn't have the book with us, or we might have just called it a day. The trip: In at 4:45 PM, upstream one hour to I 94, out 6:30 PM. Shallow, near-grounding once, glanced off rocks near landing. Wildlife: kingfishers, herons, turtles, plover, swallows, cranes in flight, jumping fish.

Trask Bridge Quick trip

Pretty, late fall paddle

Started at Trask Bridge and went right upstream. In 5:15. Turn around after 1.5 miles. Out: 6:40. Temperature 70 and sunny.

cfs Freeport 675 slightly higher for median on this date. Do not try upstream above this flow. Current is as strong as we can handle.

No boats. No deadfall. Occasional branches or sticking up. River is wide, no problem going around.

Wildlife: herons, turtle, swallows, woodpecker, geese, duck, kingfisher.

Electronic gates were closed when we drove out but we were able to get them open. whew.

Checked out put-in at Pecatonica River Forest Preserve. Looks good.

This trip was after sculpture maintenance and before Skype call with Singapore.