Smiles while paddling the Fox River (Princeton)

Fox River Ice Cream Bridge to Lock Road (park)

Due to various factors, our third paddle of 2019 was in August. The water levels had been high and that was reflected in the park. It was quite a wet field with some standing water remaining.

A couple of changes at the put-in:

  • the ice cream shop was shut down
  • porta-john was gone due to flooding (the gas station/ mini-mart was very nice, though)
  • there was a launch system to help differently-abled paddlers launch their boats
  • there were many more picnic tables

Our proposed timeline pretty much worked out:

1:25 Drive from Madison (1.25h)
2:40 Arrive at bridge / Unpack (15min)
2:55 Drive Shuttle round trip (30m)
3:25 Paddle (2hrs)
5:25 Shuttle round trip (30min)
5:55 Pack up (20min)
6:15 Drive to restaurant (30min)
6:45 Arrive at Healthy Food in Montello for dinner